Exercise and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a broad umbrella term used to cover a whole range of issues that are related to the pelvic floor and its function. Due to the connection with other parts and systems of the body, rehabilitation for these conditions can often involve a broader whole-body approach, improving pressure management strategies, improving range […]

Exercise for PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most prevalent hormonal conditions amongst women affecting a range of systems within the body and therefore has a wide variety of symptoms that can impact you as the individual. Exercise is deemed part of the most effective strategy to help with managing PCOS symptoms and reducing risk […]

Exercise for Post Menopause

The transition from perimenopause to postmenopausal can coincide with a lot of change in the body and how it functions. Due to the large declines in some of our hormones, we can see the impact on our cardiovascular function, increased risk for osteoporosis, weight gain and our pelvic floor function – just to name a […]

Exercise for Perimenopause

Did you know that exercise can be an incredibly effective tool to manage and improve majority of the symptoms experienced during perimenopause?! During the perimenopausal period (that can last for years!) there are big fluctuations occurring with our hormones which have big impacts on a lot of our bodies systems. Exercise is well researched to […]

Return to Exercise Postpartum

Firstly, congratulations! We hope you and bub are well, starting to get to know each other and finding some rhythm in your new dynamics. Exercise postpartum can be a daunting thing, particularly if you had any complications during pregnancy or birth, but with the right support you can get to doing what you love! Exercise […]

Exercise During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be such an exciting time; however, it is a time of such big change for our bodies. At Women’s Movement we love to see and encourage women to exercise throughout pregnancy, but it is important to have some guidance from an exercise professional whether you are continuing on from pre-pregnancy or starting out. […]